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Contenidos de alto valor sobre EstabilometrÃa, BaropodometrÃa y Realidad Virtual.
¡Todo lo que necesitas saber!

André Dias
4 jul 2022
What’s new in Balance Software ´22 version?
After a long journey of new developments and software improvements, PhysioSensing Balance Software’22 is now available. After 10 years of...
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Cláudia Tonelo
12 nov 2021
What is a Posturography?
You will learn what is a posturography, what is measured and importance.
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Cláudia Tonelo
2 sept 2021
12 Protocols for Balance Assessment with force/pressure plate
List of 12 balance assessment protocols with force plate. A brief resume, clinical reports and main applications.
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Cláudia Tonelo
27 jun 2021
Get a perfect balance assessment
We created a new approach to balance assessment: Total Balance Pro The motive behind As we explained before in one of our articles (What...
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Pedro de Jesus Mendes
6 may 2021
What is Balance?
1. Good balance is often taken for granted Good balance is often taken for granted. Most people don’t find it difficult to walk across a...
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Cláudia Tonelo
10 mar 2021
What is the difference between force platforms and pressure platforms?
1. The science behind Both platforms measure different biomechanical characteristics. However, it’s easy to get pressure confused with...
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Cláudia Tonelo
13 sept 2020
Virtual Reality Therapy for Vestibular Rehabilitation
1. Balance Mechanisms & Vestibular Disorders Balance is the ability to maintain the body’s center of mass over its base of support....
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